Interior Door Locks Ensure Privacy And Safety

Door locks ensure that the place beyond is not accessible to people. It is very important to get the best locks for your homes to protect it from intruders. The locks for the exterior doors are very critical in that they must protect you and your valuables from thieves and robbers. But the interior door locks are not so critical because they only lock one part of your home from the other parts. But it is also essential in many cases to have good interior door locks.

Do You Need Interior Door Locks?

Antique Mortise Lock
Antique Mortise Lock

While there are many opinions on the matter let us just see why you would need locks on your interior doors. Mostly these doors are between the different rooms of your own home and you may not feel the need for a lock. But there are occasions when you would have wished you had a lock for these doors.

Locking internal doors have an advantage when your house is burgled. The thief won’t have a free run through the house. Most of the times they may not have the time to open all the doors if all the internal doors are closed. This can deter the thief from trying to open these doors and prompt him to move to another house.

If you have a maid you are going to leave in the house when you go to your office or other places, then interior door locks are indeed necessary. You can lock up the door to your stores to prevent pilferage of your provisions and other items. You can lock the bedroom if that is where you keep your valuables like jewelry and cash. Some houses have an office room there are costly gadgets installed. You can lock that room too.

There are occasions when you wished your bedrooms and bathrooms had locks especially if your children are of an age where they may barge into your rooms unannounced. There are even possibilities that you are having guests with children staying over and you won’t want them entering your bedroom suddenly.

Types Of Locks For Your Internal Doors

Mortise Lock Cylinder
Mortise Lock Cylinder

There are different types of locks for the internal doors. As these do not need to serve much of a security purpose, these are not made like the locks for the external doors. The privacy knob is the most popular type among the interior door locks. These have standard locking handles inside the door. On the outside, they have a flat head lock. These are easy to open even with a screwdriver or a kitchen knife

The key lock is another common kind of lock for internal doors. These use keys to lock from outside. Unlike the privacy knob, these cannot be opened without keys from the outside. These are best for houses where you leave the maid or others in the house when you are not present. These can be used for bedrooms and storerooms. You must keep the keys safe.

The bed and bath knobs are also interior door locks and the name makes it clear where they are used. They have a regular locking system on the inside and only a small hole outside. These are ideal for internal doors as they are not easy to open from outside. But they can be opened using special tools should there be a problem.